How to organize a memorable company party?

If the manager of the company values ​​his employees, your event will become an unforgettable experience – Createvents will help organize it.

If you consider your employees important and want to organize an event for them that unites and will be remembered, which will be talked about as a legend even after time, then you are in the right place. Here you can find out who and how will do everything for you – from the idea to the cleaning.

“I didn’t know you could paint so well,” said the accountant to the sales manager when everyone had finished their paintings.

It’s understandable, you don’t “cut” into the everyday work environment with a you-know-what-I-can-still-do mentality, but the cheerful summer days at the company give you the opportunity to get to know your colleague better.

In summer events, it is quite common to do additive active activities, even better than to give it an extra dimension – to reach the best result, teams need to work together. This also helps to get to know a colleague as a person.

What is decisive and valuable about every event is what, in addition to entertainment, cultivates the feeling of “us”. The most important thing is for a person to feel: my employer cares about me and is grateful for my contribution.

A good event organizer takes into account that people are different and offers activities that everyone likes. We know that the Estonian man is a dancing lion, but when a workshop on national dances was announced at an event with an international staff, the first people to arrive there were still Hindu men.

Everything is possible – says the motto of the event marketing agency Createvents.

Indeed, Gerli and Margus, it is a family business, they have made very big events in a very tight time frame, found solutions in situations where it seems as if they don’t exist, made U-turns at the last moment.

They can answer all the questions you may have about organizing events in your sleep. They think with you, react quickly and create events with inspiration and do their work with joy.

If it is also important for you that the ecological footprint of the event is as small as possible – then our values ​​overlap. If there is food left after the event, it will be sent to those who need it in cooperation with good helpers. In the selection of crockery, only so-called real crockery or biodegradable crockery is used. And all the flowers and arrangements will be brought to decorate your office after the event.

If you have an important day coming up that you should make an experience of, leave the organization work to the professionals and contact Gerli or Margus.

Full article was published in Postimees