Organizing events for the team helps alleviate the feeling of loneliness among employees

Did you know that one in five workers in the world feel lonely?

This is confirmed by Gallup’s 2024 Global State of the Workplace Report.

Loneliness is especially common among people under 35, but it does not distinguish between age, gender and job position. Loneliness is most affected by the workplace itself – when working remotely, employees feel significantly more lonely (25%) than those who work in an office (16%).

Social isolation and chronic loneliness can be devastating to our health.

But there is also good news – work itself reduces loneliness. Working adults are less lonely than unemployed adults, and this is true across all age groups.

However, it is important that employees are engaged in their work. Actively disengaged employees are almost as lonely as the unemployed. However, when employees feel that their work is meaningful and that they are connected to their team and organization, feelings of loneliness are significantly reduced.

What can the employer do?

* Organizing regular events: joint lunches, team games and organizing workshops help strengthen team spirit and reduce loneliness.

* Creating an inclusive work environment: encourage open communication and recognition. When employees feel listened to and valued, their satisfaction and engagement increases.

* Investing in employee well-being: Provide mental health support programs and opportunities for self-development where possible.

The employer’s task is to create a working environment where every employee feels included and valued. One of the best ways to do this is to organize regular events that strengthen the bonds between employees and reduce feelings of loneliness.

Our experienced team helps create memorable and engaging events for your company that improve team spirit and employee well-being.

See here the events we have organized.